On 1st April 2024, Norley CE Primary School converted to academy status and joined Chester Diocesan Academies Trust (CDAT). As a result we have now adopted the following CDAT policies:
Acceptable Use (pupils)
Admissions Appeals
Allegations against Staff
Behaviour Principles Written Statement
Charging and Remissions
Children with Health Needs who are Unable to attend School
Data Protection
Data Use
Designated Teacher for LAC and PLAC
Equalities policy and objectives
First Aid in Schools
Privacy Notices
Protection of Children’s Biometric Information
Relationships Education and Health Education
Safeguarding Statement
SEND Statement
Supporting Pupils with Medical Conditions in School
These policies can be accessed by visiting https://www.cdat.co.uk/our-services/governance/our-trust/policies.html
You can find our main school policies listed below. To download any of these, please click on the links below.