Class 3 2024 - 2025
Miss Lester-Jones
Teaching Assistant: Mrs Mee
Welcome to Class 3
Welcome back! I am looking forward to teaching class 3 again this year. The children have settled back into school and the new routine well, they are all aware of the expectations and have worked together to come up with some fabulous class rules. I hope everyone engages well in the learning, whilst having lots of fun!
Autumn Term
Our topic this term is 'The Romans', we will be answering the question 'Was the Roma invaion a disater for Britain?'. For more detail please see the curriculum letter.
The homework menu is now available. I look forward to seeing the fabulous work I am sure the children will create.
Maths Homework
Year 3 page - 24
Year 4 page - 22
This weeks spelling rule
- sh, ch, s, ss, c and chure
- suffix ness.
At the bottom of our class page, I have included some spelling activities, reading comprehensions and key number facts to aid the children's learning.
Here is a link for the Oxford Owl reading website which includes lots of free resources.
Username: norleyclass3
Password: password
Children have their login for Times Tables Rockstars,
Websites to practice their times tables.
National Curriculum
- Maths Times Tutorials
- KS2 Times Tables Quizzes
- KS2 Literacy Quizzes
- KS2 History Quizzes
- KS2 Science Quizzes
- KS2 Education Quizzes Home Page
- Scratch
BBC Teach - A series of short videos covering areas of the curriculum. These could be used to engage and inspire the children when learning something new.
There are some computing activities available at the link below.