Assessment Results

Key Stage 2 SATS Performance 2024

As we are a small school, our results are not always published within the Department for Education (DfE) school performance tables. This is because small pupil numbers can result in misleading statistics and it also guards against individual children’s results being identifiable from the tables. 

This year also, our pupils have achieved excellent results. In particular, 88% of our pupils met Age Related Expectations in Reading with 47% working at a higher level. Also we had 82% meeting age related expectations in Grammar, spelling and punctuation with 29% of pupils working at a higher standard and 88%  meeting age related expectations in maths with 24% working at the higher standard. Of course, with small numbers and varying ability levels our test results will differ greatly year on year. Our focus is always to bring out the best in each and every child. If you require any additional information on attainment, please don’t hesitate to contact the school.

Please see below a summary of results for our school.

Our results can also be viewed  on the following link



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